Emotional Release in Reiki Healing

Reiki is a form of therapy that involves the channeling of energy to promote physical, emotional and spiritual healing. During a reiki session, some people may experience what is know as an emotional release. This can be a powerful and transformative experience. Here’s what you should know.

What is an emotional release?

An emotional release can occur during or after a reiki session and is when a person experiences a strong emotional response. This can be in the form of crying tears, feelings of sadness or anger, or even laughter. It’s important to note that these emotions may not necessarily be connected to the immediate situation or circumstances but rather the energy that is being released through the reiki session.

Why do emotional releases happen during reiki?

The energy that is being channeled during a reiki session can help to release blockages and tension within the body. These blockages can be physical but can also be related to emotions and past experiences that are held within the body. An emotional release can be a sign that these old emotions are being released and cleared, allowing for healing and growth to occur.

What are the benefits of an emotional release during reiki?

An emotional release can be a cathartic experience, providing a release of pent up emotions that have been held within the body for an extended period of time. This can often lead to feelings of relief, clarity, and a greater sense of emotional freedom. In addition, an emotional release can also lead to an improvement in physical symptoms, as many physical ailments are connected to emotional trauma and tension within the body. By releasing these emotions, the body may be able to heal more effectively.

How can you support someone going through an emotional release due to reiki?

If this occurs during the session, the reiki practitioner will provide a safe and supportive environment. This includes holding space to express emotions without judgement, providing tissues or other comfort measures, and giving time and space to process the experience.

Overall, an emotional release due to reiki can be a powerful indication that energy is being moved through and released from the body. While it may be uncomfortable in the moment, it can lead to significant healing and growth in the long run. Allow yourself to see what comes up, feel the emotions and let it go.

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