Remote Reiki: What is it and How Does it Work?

In a world where technology has shrunk the boundaries of space and time, it’s no surprise that traditional practices like Reiki are also adapting to this new reality. Distance or remote Reiki, is a form of energy healing and has gained popularity in recent years as people seek alternative methods to improve their well-being and seek inner peace. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of Reiki, exploring what it is, how it works and its benefits.

If you’ve been to this blog before, you know that Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that dates back to the early 20th century. The word “Reiki” is derived from the Japanese words: “Rei” meaning universal and “Ki” meaning life force energy. This universal life force energy flows through all living things and the balance of this energy is essential for health and overall well-being. In person Reiki sessions involve a practitioner laying their hands on the body, channeling this healing energy to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and facilitate the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Distance Reiki or remote Reiki is a variation of traditional Reiki where the practitioner sends healing energy to a recipient who may be located far away. The fundamental principle of Reiki is that energy transcends physical boundaries, making it possible for practitioners to connect with and send healing energy to someone regardless of their geographical location. This is also really helpful if Reiki is needed for a child who cannot stay idle for extended periods of time.

So how would a remote session work? The practitioner and the client agree on a time for the session and may communicate beforehand to discuss any specific intentions or issues the recipient wishes to address. Although, this prior discussion needn’t occur nor does there need to be specific intentions because another principle of Reiki is that life force energy always knows where to go. The practitioner will prepare themselves intuitively and focus their intention on sending this healing energy. I personally work on the chakra system as well as the different layers of your energy field. During the session, the practitioner channels Reiki and directs it towards the recipient using visualization, symbols and mantras that are part of traditional Reiki practice. During my remote sessions, I like to send an intuitive selection of music or frequencies for the client to listen to. This assists the client in coming to a meditative state, which is helpful when the practitioner and the recipient are not in close proximity. After the session, the practitioner and recipient may share their experiences and any insights gained during the session. This feedback can be valuable in understanding the impact of a remote Reiki session.

Like traditional Reiki, a distance session can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, which is vital for overall well-being. It also facilitates emotional healing by clearing energy blockages and promoting a sense of balance and harmony. Some recipients have reported relief from physical pain and discomfort after a distance session as well. By working with the body’s energy centers, or chakras, distance Reiki aims to optimize the flow of life energy. Distance Reiki is considered a holistic approach to healing, addressing not only physical symptoms but also emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

Remote Reiki is a testament to the power of intention, energy and the interconnectedness of all living things. While it may not always be a replacement for traditional medical treatments, many people find it to be a valuable component to their overall wellness routine. Whether you’re seeking stress relief, emotional healing, or simply a greater sense of balance in your life, remote Reiki may offer a unique and effective approach to achieving your goals. As with any form of complementary therapy, it’s essential to consult with a trained and reputable practitioner to experience the full potential of this ancient healing art.

Book a session with me today and unlock your highest healing potential!


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