Salt Baths: The Benefits after Energy or Body Work

Salt baths are known to offer a range of benefits after energy and body work. When I say body work I mean things like different massages. Energy work includes reiki, polarity, and craniosacral therapy. After having a Reiki session, or a massage your body is already in a state of deep relaxation. But why not take it one step further and indulge in a salt bath?

Salt baths contain magnesium, which is known to ease soreness and muscle tension. They also contain tons of other minerals that the body benefits from. After energy and bodywork, our muscles may feel sore, tight and tense. Salt baths ease the pain and help to relax the muscles.

Salt is known to improve blood circulation, and when you immerse yourself in a salt bath, the salt helps to increase the body's blood flow. This increased blood flow helps remove toxins and waste materials from your body, leading to better physical and mental health. A salt bath can help improve your energy levels and make you feel more alert.

After energy and body work, your body needs time to relax, and a salt bath can function as a relaxation hub. The heat in the water and salt promote relaxation and better sleep. With better sleep, your body is better equipped to heal.

Salt and herbs are known to help promote skin health by remediating common issues like dryness, eczema, and psoriasis. They have also been shown to fight bacteria, which means that you can soak away the germs or sweat that can accumulate on your skin after bodywork.

Finally, baths with salt, herbs and oils can detoxify your body. Salt helps to draw toxins out of your body, leading to better physical health. In conclusion, the benefits of salt baths after energy and bodywork are significant. Bathing as a ritual is a way to honor ourselves and our bodies, and to connect with the past practices and beliefs of our ancestors. If you participate in this type of work, ensure that you are reaping the benefits of salt baths to aid in the healing process.


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