Emo - Tracker

This emotion tracker serves as a practical tool for individuals to maintain a structured way to understand and manage their feelings. This resource facilitates self awareness, encourages emotional intelligence, and offers a personalized approach to navigating the complexities of emotions.

Regularly reviewing you entries will provide valuable insight into effective coping mechanisms tailored to your needs. Click here to download your free Emo-Tracker.

  1. Before: How are you feeling or behaving?

    Record your current emotions or behaviors. Be honest and specific about what you’re experiencing.

  2. Activity: Chosen break or coping mechanism

    Note the coping strategy you chose to address the feelings/behaviors. Utilize the Take a Break poster in the Resource Hub.

  3. After: How do you feel as a result?

    Reflect on how you feel after implementing the coping strategy you decided on. Was it helpful? Did it change your emotions or behavior.


The Zones of Regulation


Take a Break poster